Source code for context_builder.context_builder

# Imports
import logging
import math
import random
from tqdm import tqdm

# Torch imports
import torch
import torch.nn            as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim         as optim
from torch.autograd   import Variable
from import DataLoader, TensorDataset

# Custom package imports
from .decoders  import DecoderAttention, DecoderEvent
from .embedding import EmbeddingOneHot
from .encoders  import Encoder
from .loss      import LabelSmoothing
from .utils     import unique_2d

# Set logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ContextBuilder(nn.Module):
[docs] def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, hidden_size=128, num_layers=1, max_length=10, bidirectional=False, LSTM=False): """ContextBuilder that learns to interpret context from security events. Based on an attention-based Encoder-Decoder architecture. Parameters ---------- input_size : int Size of input vocabulary, i.e. possible distinct input items output_size : int Size of output vocabulary, i.e. possible distinct output items hidden_size : int, default=128 Size of hidden layer in sequence to sequence prediction. This parameter determines the complexity of the model and its prediction power. However, high values will result in slower training and prediction times num_layers : int, default=1 Number of recurrent layers to use max_length : int, default=10 Maximum lenght of input sequence to expect bidirectional : boolean, default=False If True, use a bidirectional encoder and decoder LSTM : boolean, default=False If True, use an LSTM as a recurrent unit instead of GRU """"ContextBuilder.__init__") # Initialise super super().__init__() ################################################################ # Initialise layers # ################################################################ # Create embedding self.embedding = nn.Embedding(input_size, hidden_size) self.embedding_one_hot = EmbeddingOneHot(input_size) # Create encoder self.encoder = Encoder( embedding = self.embedding_one_hot, hidden_size = hidden_size, num_layers = num_layers, bidirectional = bidirectional, LSTM = LSTM ) # Create attention decoder self.decoder_attention = DecoderAttention( embedding = self.embedding, context_size = hidden_size, attention_size = max_length, num_layers = num_layers, dropout = 0.1, bidirectional = bidirectional, LSTM = LSTM, ) # Create event decoder self.decoder_event = DecoderEvent( input_size = input_size, output_size = output_size, dropout = 0.1, )
######################################################################## # ContextBuilder Forward # ########################################################################
[docs] def forward(self, X, y=None, steps=1, teach_ratio=0.5): """Forwards data through ContextBuilder. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, seq_len) Tensor of input events to forward. y : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, steps), optional If given, use value of y as next input with probability teach_ratio. steps : int, default=1 Number of steps to predict in the future. teach_ratio : float, default=0.5 Ratio of sequences to train that use given labels Y. The remaining part will be trained using the predicted values. Returns ------- confidence : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, steps, output_size) The confidence level of each output event. attention : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, steps, seq_len) Attention corrsponding to X given as (batch, out_seq, in_seq). """"forward {} samples".format(X.shape[0])) #################################################################### # Perform check on events in X # #################################################################### if X.max() >= self.embedding_one_hot.input_size: raise ValueError( "Expected {} different input events, but received input event " "'{}' not in expected range 0-{}. Please ensure that the " "ContextBuilder is configured with the correct input_size and " "output_size".format( self.embedding_one_hot.input_size, X.max(), self.embedding_one_hot.input_size-1, )) #################################################################### # Forward data # #################################################################### # Initialise results confidence = list() attention = list() # Get initial inputs of decoder decoder_input = torch.zeros( size = (X.shape[0], 1), dtype = torch.long, device = X.device, ) # Encode input X_encoded, context_vector = self.encoder(X) # Loop over all targets for step in range(steps): # Compute attention attention_, context_vector = self.decoder_attention( context_vector = context_vector, previous_input = decoder_input, ) # Compute event probability distribution confidence_ = self.decoder_event( X = X_encoded, attention = attention_, ) # Store confidence confidence.append(confidence_) # Store attention attention .append(attention_) # Detatch from history if y is not None and random.random() <= teach_ratio: decoder_input = y[:, step] else: decoder_input = confidence_.argmax(dim=1).detach().unsqueeze(1) # Return result return torch.stack(confidence, dim=1), torch.stack(attention, dim=1)
######################################################################## # Fit/predict methods # ########################################################################
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, epochs=10, batch_size=128, learning_rate=0.01, optimizer=optim.SGD, teach_ratio=0.5, verbose=True): """Fit the sequence predictor with labelled data Parameters ---------- X : array-like of type=int and shape=(n_samples, context_size) Input context to train with. y : array-like of type=int and shape=(n_samples, n_future_events) Sequences of target events. epochs : int, default=10 Number of epochs to train with. batch_size : int, default=128 Batch size to use for training. learning_rate : float, default=0.01 Learning rate to use for training. optimizer : optim.Optimizer, default=torch.optim.SGD Optimizer to use for training. teach_ratio : float, default=0.5 Ratio of sequences to train including labels. verbose : boolean, default=True If True, prints progress. Returns ------- self : self Returns self """"fit {} samples".format(X.shape[0])) # Get current mode mode = # Get input as torch tensors device = next(self.parameters()).device X = torch.as_tensor(X, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) y = torch.as_tensor(y, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) # Set to training mode self.train() # Set criterion and optimiser criterion = LabelSmoothing(self.decoder_event.out.out_features, 0.1) optimizer = optimizer( params = self.parameters(), lr = learning_rate ) # Load dataset data = DataLoader(TensorDataset(X, y), batch_size = batch_size, shuffle = True, ) # Loop over each epoch for epoch in range(1, epochs+1): try: # Set progress bar if necessary if verbose: data = tqdm(data, desc="[Epoch {:{width}}/{:{width}} loss={:.4f}]" .format(epoch, epochs, 0, width=len(str(epochs))) ) # Set average loss total_loss = 0 total_items = 0 # Loop over entire dataset for X_, y_ in data: # Clear gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # Get prediction confidence, _ = self.forward(X_, y_, steps = y_.shape[1], teach_ratio = teach_ratio ) # Compute loss loss = 0 for step in range(confidence.shape[1]): loss += criterion(confidence[:, step], y_[:, step]) # Backpropagate loss.backward() optimizer.step() # Update description total_loss += loss.item() / X_.shape[1] total_items += X_.shape[0] if verbose: data.set_description( "[Epoch {:{width}}/{:{width}} loss={:.4f}]" .format(epoch, epochs, total_loss/total_items, width=len(str(epochs)))) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print("\nTraining interrupted, performing clean stop") break # Reset to original mode self.train(mode) # Return self return self
[docs] def predict(self, X, y=None, steps=1): """Predict the next elements in sequence. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor Tensor of input sequences y : ignored steps : int, default=1 Number of steps to predict into the future Returns ------- confidence : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, seq_len, output_size) The confidence level of each output attention : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, input_length) Attention corrsponding to X given as (batch, out_seq, seq_len) """"predict {} samples".format(X.shape[0])) # Get current mode mode = # Set to prediction mode self.eval() # Memory optimization, only use unique values X, inverse = torch.unique(X, dim=0, return_inverse=True)"predict {}/{} unique samples".format(X.shape[0], inverse.shape[0])) # Do not perform gradient descent with torch.no_grad(): # Perform all in single batch confidence, attention = self.forward(X, steps=steps) # Reset to original mode self.train(mode) # Return result return confidence[inverse], attention[inverse]
[docs] def fit_predict(self, X, y, epochs=10, batch_size=128, learning_rate=0.01, optimizer=optim.SGD, teach_ratio=0.5, verbose=True): """Fit the sequence predictor with labelled data Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor Tensor of input sequences y : torch.Tensor Tensor of output sequences epochs : int, default=10 Number of epochs to train with batch_size : int, default=128 Batch size to use for training learning_rate : float, default=0.01 Learning rate to use for training optimizer : optim.Optimizer, default=torch.optim.SGD Optimizer to use for training teach_ratio : float, default=0.5 Ratio of sequences to train including labels verbose : boolean, default=True If True, prints progress Returns ------- result : torch.Tensor Predictions corresponding to X """"fit_predict {} samples".format(X.shape[0])) # Apply fit and predict in sequence return X = X, y = y, epochs = epochs, batch_size = batch_size, learning_rate = learning_rate, optimizer = optimizer, teach_ratio = teach_ratio, verbose = verbose, ).predict(X)
######################################################################## # ContextBuilder Query # ########################################################################
[docs] def query(self, X, y, iterations=0, batch_size=1024, ignore=None, return_optimization=None, verbose=True): """Query the network to get optimal attention vector. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of type=int and shape=(n_samples, context_size) Input context of events, same as input to fit and predict y : array-like of type=int and shape=(n_samples,) Observed event iterations : int, default=0 Number of iterations to perform for optimization of actual event batch_size : int, default=1024 Batch size of items to optimize ignore : int, optional If given ignore this index as attention return_optimization : float, optional If given, returns number of items with confidence level larger than given parameter. E.g. return_optimization=0.2 will also return two boolean tensors for elements with a confidence >= 0.2 before optimization and after optimization. verbose : boolean, default=True If True, print progress Returns ------- confidence : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, output_size) Confidence of each prediction given new attention attention : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, context_size) Importance of each input with respect to output inverse : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples,) Inverse is returned to reconstruct the original array confidence_orig : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples,) Only returned if return_optimization != None Boolean array of items >= threshold before optimization confidence_optim : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples,) Only returned if return_optimization != None Boolean array of items >= threshold after optimization """ # Get device original_device = X.device # Initialise result result_confidence = list() result_attention = list() # Memory optimization, only use unique values X, y, inverse = unique_2d(X, y) # Ignore given datapoints if ignore is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Ignore is not properly implemented yet.") attention[X == ignore] = 0 # Squeeze variables y = y.squeeze(1) # Initialise progress if necessary if verbose: progress = tqdm(None, total = int(iterations)*int(math.ceil(X.shape[0]/batch_size)), desc = "Optimizing query", ) # Batch data batches = DataLoader( TensorDataset(X, y), batch_size = batch_size, shuffle = False, ) # Count datapoints with confidence >= 0.2 if return_optimization is not None: confidence_orig = list() confidence_optim = list() ################################################################ # Attention optimisation # ################################################################ # Loop over batches for batch, (X_, y_) in enumerate(batches): # Compute initial attention and confidence confidence, attention = self.predict(X_, y_) confidence = confidence.squeeze(1) attention = attention .squeeze(1) # Count confidence >= 0.2 of non-optimized datapoints if return_optimization is not None: confidence_orig.append(( confidence[torch.arange(y_.shape[0]), y_].exp() >= return_optimization ).detach().clone()) # Make attention variable attn = Variable(attention.detach().clone(), requires_grad=True) # Set optimizer optimizer = optim.Adam([attn], lr=0.1) criterion = nn.NLLLoss() # Encode values of X with torch.no_grad(): X_, _ = self.encoder(X_) # Perform iterations for iteration in range(int(iterations)): # Clear optimizer optimizer.zero_grad() # Add decoding function def decode(input, attn, softmax=False): if softmax: attn = F.softmax(attn, dim=1) return self.decoder_event(input, attn) # Perform prediction pred = decode(X_, attn, softmax=iteration > 0) # Compute loss loss = criterion(pred, y_) # Perform backpropagation loss.backward() optimizer.step() # Update progress if necessary if verbose: progress.update() # Perform final softmax if iterations > 0: attn = F.softmax(attn, dim=1) # Detach attention - memory optimization attn = attn.detach() # Get confidence levels confidence_ = self.decoder_event(X_, attn) confidence_ = confidence_[torch.arange(y_.shape[0]), y_].exp().detach() confidence = confidence [torch.arange(y_.shape[0]), y_].exp().detach() # Check where confidence improved mask = confidence_ > confidence # Store attention if we improved attention[mask] = attn[mask] # Recompute confidence with torch.no_grad(): confidence = self.decoder_event( X = X_, attention = attention, ).exp() # Count confidence >= 0.2 of optimized datapoints if return_optimization is not None: confidence_optim.append(( confidence[torch.arange(y_.shape[0]), y_] >= return_optimization ).detach().clone()) # Add confidence and attention to result result_confidence.append(confidence.cpu()) result_attention .append(attention .cpu()) # Combine confidence and attention into tensor # and cast to original device confidence = attention = .to(original_device) # Close progress if necessary if verbose: progress.close() # Return confidence optimization if necessary if return_optimization is not None: confidence_orig = ) confidence_optim = # Return result return confidence, attention, inverse, confidence_orig, confidence_optim # Return result return confidence, attention, inverse
######################################################################## # Save/load model # ########################################################################
[docs] def save(self, outfile): """Save model to output file. Parameters ---------- outfile : string File to output model. """ # Save to output file, outfile)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, infile, device=None): """Load model from input file. Parameters ---------- infile : string File from which to load model. """ # Load state dictionary state_dict = torch.load(infile, map_location=device) # Get input variables from state_dict input_size = state_dict.get('embedding.weight').shape[0] output_size = state_dict.get('decoder_event.out.weight').shape[0] hidden_size = state_dict.get('embedding.weight').shape[1] num_layers = 1 # TODO max_length = state_dict.get('decoder_attention.attn.weight').shape[0] bidirectional = state_dict.get('decoder_attention.attn.weight').shape[1] // hidden_size != num_layers LSTM = False # TODO # Create ContextBuilder result = cls( input_size = input_size, output_size = output_size, hidden_size = hidden_size, num_layers = num_layers, max_length = max_length, bidirectional = bidirectional, LSTM = LSTM, ) # Cast to device if necessary if device is not None: result = # Set trained parameters result.load_state_dict(state_dict) # Return result return result