Source code for module

# Imports
import logging
import torch
import torch.optim as optim
from import DataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm

# Custom imports
from deepcase.context_builder       import ContextBuilder
from deepcase.interpreter           import Interpreter
from deepcase.context_builder.utils import unique_2d

# Set logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DeepCASE(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, features, max_length = 10, hidden_size = 128, eps = 0.1, min_samples = 5, threshold = 0.2, ): """Analyse security events with respect to contextual machine behaviour. Note ---- When an Interpreter is trained, it heavily depends on the ContextBuilder used during training. Therefore, we **strongly** suggest **not** to manually change the context_builder attribute, without retraining the interpreter of the DeepCASE object. Parameters ---------- features : int Number of different possible security events. max_length : int, default=10 Maximum length of context window as number of events. hidden_size : int, default=128 Size of hidden layer in sequence to sequence prediction. This parameter determines the complexity of the model and its prediction power. However, high values will result in slower training and prediction times. eps : float, default=0.1 Epsilon used for determining maximum distance between clusters. min_samples : int, default=5 Minimum number of required samples per cluster. threshold : float, default=0.2 Minimum required confidence in fingerprint before using it in training clusters. """ # Initialise Context Builder from parameters self.context_builder = ContextBuilder( input_size = features, output_size = features, max_length = max_length, hidden_size = hidden_size, ) # Initialise Interpreter from parameters self.interpreter = Interpreter( context_builder = self.context_builder, features = features, eps = eps, min_samples = min_samples, threshold = threshold, )
######################################################################## # Fit method # ########################################################################
[docs] def fit(self, # Input data X, y, scores, # ContextBuilder-specific parameters epochs = 10, batch_size = 128, learning_rate = 0.01, optimizer = optim.SGD, teach_ratio = 0.5, # Interpreter-specific parameters iterations = 100, query_batch_size = 1024, strategy = "max", NO_SCORE = -1, # Verbosity level verbose = True, ): """Fit DeepCASE with given data. This method is provided as a wrapper and is equivalent to calling: - and - in the given order. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of type=int and shape=(n_samples, context_size) Input context to train with. y : array-like of type=int and shape=(n_samples, n_future_events) Sequences of target events. scores : array-like of float, shape=(n_samples,) Scores for each sample in cluster. epochs : int, default=10 Number of epochs to train with. batch_size : int, default=128 Batch size to use for training. learning_rate : float, default=0.01 Learning rate to use for training. optimizer : optim.Optimizer, default=torch.optim.SGD Optimizer to use for training. teach_ratio : float, default=0.5 Ratio of sequences to train including labels. iterations : int, default=100 Number of iterations for query. query_batch_size : int, default=1024 Size of batch for query. strategy : string (max|min|avg), default=max Strategy to use for computing scores per cluster based on scores of individual events. Currently available options are: - max: Use maximum score of any individual event in a cluster. - min: Use minimum score of any individual event in a cluster. - avg: Use average score of any individual event in a cluster. NO_SCORE : float, default=-1 Score to indicate that no score was given to a sample and that the value should be ignored for computing the cluster score. The NO_SCORE value will also be given to samples that do not belong to a cluster. verbose : boolean, default=True If True, prints progress. Returns ------- self : self Returns self. """ # Fit the ContextBuilder X = X, y = y, epochs = epochs, batch_size = batch_size, learning_rate = learning_rate, optimizer = optimizer, teach_ratio = teach_ratio, verbose = verbose, ) # Fit the Interpreter X = X, y = y, scores = scores, iterations = iterations, batch_size = query_batch_size, strategy = strategy, NO_SCORE = NO_SCORE, verbose = verbose, ) # Returns self return self
######################################################################## # Predict method # ########################################################################
[docs] def predict(self, X, y, iterations=100, batch_size=1024, verbose=False): """Predict maliciousness of context samples. Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, seq_length) Input context for which to predict maliciousness. y : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, 1) Events for which to predict maliciousness. iterations : int, default=100 Iterations used for optimization. batch_size : int, default=1024 Batch size used for optimization. verbose : boolean, default=False If True, print progress. Returns ------- result : np.array of shape=(n_samples,) Predicted maliciousness score. Positive scores are maliciousness scores. A score of 0 means we found a match that was not malicious. Special cases: * -1: Not confident enough for prediction * -2: Label not in training * -3: Closest cluster > epsilon """ # Return the prediction of the interpreter return self.interpreter.predict( X = X, y = y, iterations = iterations, batch_size = batch_size, verbose = verbose, )
######################################################################## # Fit/predict methods # ########################################################################
[docs] def fit_predict(self, # Input data X, y, scores, # ContextBuilder-specific parameters epochs = 10, batch_size = 128, learning_rate = 0.01, optimizer = optim.SGD, teach_ratio = 0.5, # Interpreter-specific parameters iterations = 100, query_batch_size = 1024, strategy = "max", NO_SCORE = -1, # Verbosity level verbose = True, ): """Fit DeepCASE with given data and predict that same data. This method is provided as a wrapper and is equivalent to calling: - and - self.predict() in the given order. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of type=int and shape=(n_samples, context_size) Input context to train with. y : array-like of type=int and shape=(n_samples, n_future_events) Sequences of target events. scores : array-like of float, shape=(n_samples,) Scores for each sample in cluster. epochs : int, default=10 Number of epochs to train with. batch_size : int, default=128 Batch size to use for training. learning_rate : float, default=0.01 Learning rate to use for training. optimizer : optim.Optimizer, default=torch.optim.SGD Optimizer to use for training. teach_ratio : float, default=0.5 Ratio of sequences to train including labels. iterations : int, default=100 Number of iterations for query. query_batch_size : int, default=1024 Size of batch for query. strategy : string (max|min|avg), default=max Strategy to use for computing scores per cluster based on scores of individual events. Currently available options are: - max: Use maximum score of any individual event in a cluster. - min: Use minimum score of any individual event in a cluster. - avg: Use average score of any individual event in a cluster. NO_SCORE : float, default=-1 Score to indicate that no score was given to a sample and that the value should be ignored for computing the cluster score. The NO_SCORE value will also be given to samples that do not belong to a cluster. verbose : boolean, default=True If True, prints progress. Returns ------- result : np.array of shape=(n_samples,) Predicted maliciousness score. Positive scores are maliciousness scores. A score of 0 means we found a match that was not malicious. Special cases: * -1: Not confident enough for prediction * -2: Label not in training * -3: Closest cluster > epsilon """ # Call fit and predict in sequence and return result return X = X, y = y, scores = scores, epochs = epochs, batch_size = batch_size, learning_rate = learning_rate, optimizer = optimizer, teach_ratio = teach_ratio, iterations = iterations, query_batch_size = query_batch_size, strategy = strategy, NO_SCORE = NO_SCORE, verbose = verbose, ).predict( X = X, y = y, iterations = iterations, batch_size = query_batch_size, verbose = verbose, )
######################################################################## # Cast to device # ######################################################################## def to(self, device): """Cast DeepCASE to a specific device. This method acts as a wrapper for the underlying context_builder. Parameters ---------- device : string String describing the device, e.g., "cpu", "cuda", or "cuda:0". Returns ------- self : self Returns self """ # Cast ContextBuilder to device self.context_builder = # Return self return self ######################################################################## # I/O methods # ########################################################################
[docs] def save(self, outfile): """Save DeepCASE model to output file. Parameters ---------- outfile : string Path to output file in which to store DeepCASE model. """ # Save to output file{ "context_builder": self.context_builder.state_dict(), "interpreter" : self.interpreter .to_dict(), }, outfile)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, infile, device=None): """Load DeepCASE model from input file. Parameters ---------- infile : string Path to input file from which to load DeepCASE model. device : string, optional If given, cast DeepCASE automatically to device. """ # Load model model = torch.load(infile, map_location=device) # Extract ContextBuilder and Interpreter from loaded model state_dict = model['context_builder'] interpreter = model['interpreter'] # Recreate ContextBuilder input_size = state_dict.get('embedding.weight').shape[0] output_size = state_dict.get('decoder_event.out.weight').shape[0] hidden_size = state_dict.get('embedding.weight').shape[1] num_layers = 1 # TODO max_length = state_dict.get('decoder_attention.attn.weight').shape[0] bidirectional = state_dict.get('decoder_attention.attn.weight').shape[1] // hidden_size != num_layers LSTM = False # TODO # Create ContextBuilder context_builder = ContextBuilder( input_size = input_size, output_size = output_size, hidden_size = hidden_size, num_layers = num_layers, max_length = max_length, bidirectional = bidirectional, LSTM = LSTM, ) # Set trained parameters context_builder.load_state_dict(state_dict) # Recreate interpreter interpreter = Interpreter.from_dict( dictionary = interpreter, context_builder = context_builder, ) # Rebuild DeepCASE result = cls(features = interpreter.features) # Set loaded ContextBuilder and Interpreter result.context_builder = context_builder result.interpreter = interpreter # Cast to device if necessary if device is not None: result = # Return loaded DeepCASE model return result